Online therapy, counseling & psychoanalysis

Moving towards health, success and well-being

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*Analytic Scripting, a method developed by Dr. A.L.  Dussault is available

through confidential on-going emailing.  This scripting dialogue can be used

to access both repressed, or unconscious thoughts and ideas as well as assisting

in the resolution of egoic conflicts.  Scripting and journaling have long been used

as a form of self-help.  The addition of this scripting method used as a means

of communicating with the analyst has proved helpful to many clients.

When psychoanalysis was first coming into it’s own as a form of medical

treatment for conditions previously thought to be untreatable, the phrase,

say everything,” became a corner stone of not only psychoanalysis, but

the foundation of all talking therapies.  At that time Analysis was conducted

four or five days a week.  The cost and the time became an impossible

obstacle for most people and so the very foundation of all talking therapies

fell out of favor and unfortunately became a sort of caricature use by T.V. and

the likes Bob Newhart.

Working with people in person, in video or in phone consultations once weekly

and augmented by daily contact with the analyst through scripting can bring about the

return of the multiple sessions so crucial to the deconstructing of narcissistic

and complex disorders.  Analytic Scripting, is proving itself a significantly useful

treatment method contracted between sessions to foster the transference and support

the consciousness of the wider, more creative self.